Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Cultural or Confessional?

There is a difference when one is in a denomination because of birth and one is in a denomination because of a conviction.

It is quite pathetic to encounter cultural Lutherans who have no clue about the principles of the Reformation, the solas,  nor even aware of what the Book of Concord is all about. It is heart breaking to hear of a Lutheran in church leadership express doubts about Scripture or show no familiarity of its contents. It is quite sad, really. It makes you wanna go to another congregation with a different "culture" (pun intended).

It shows Luther to be correct again, he said catechizing is a lifelong activity of the church.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, there are many people in the pews (I'm old school) who cannot explain why they are members of a particular church on theological terms. This reflects a failure of the church to catalyze their members. For many, they stopped at their confirmation while others really didn't have any teaching on the doctrines of their faith.

As for Lutherans, I find that those for join the Reformation can better articulate their doctrine than those who have been part of the Lutheran church for most or all of their lives.

We are move interested in the activities of the church than the doctrine and practices of the church.

LPC said...

It saddens me SM, but it seems that way, it becomes more of a social interest group. I am sad too that they have the potential for undoing an orthodox pastor's work.


Anonymous said...

It shows Luther to be correct again, he said catechizing is a lifelong activity of the church.

Right you are, Lito! As you know, Dr. Luther himself said to those who thought the Catechism was only for children:

"As for myself, let me say that I, too, am a doctor and a preacher - yes, and as learned and
experienced as any of those who act so high and mighty. Yet I do as a child who is being taught the
Catechism. Every morning, and whenever else I have time, I read and recite word for word the
Lord's Prayer, the Ten Commandments, the Creed, the Psalms, etc. I must still read and study the Catechism daily, yet I cannot master it as I wish, but must remain a child and pupil of the Catechism, and I do it gladly. These dainty, fastidious fellows would like quickly, with one
reading, to become doctors above all doctors, to know all there is to be known. Well, this, too, is a
sure sign that they despise both their office and the peoples' souls, yes, even God and his Word.
They need not fear a fall, for they have already fallen all too horribly. What they need is to become children and begin learning their ABC's which they think they have outgrown long ago" (Large
Catechism, Preface, 7-8; Tappert, p. 359).

Someone said that part of the genius of the Small Catechism is that it is the only catechism ever written that is capable of being prayed.

Timeless wisdom!


Past Elder said...

When I gave my kids their copies of the Little Catechism, I wrote something in there that it contains all one really needs to know.

I'm a long way from being a kid, and my experience having read a bunch of long books and gotten several degrees is that it is clearer than ever that the Little Catechism contains all one really needs to know!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes my wife complains about having to work with difficult people and wonders whether she should change jobs. I always tell her the same thing: people need you there (she's a nurse) and difficult people will be found wherever you go, better for everyone that you stay and learn how to deal with them. Christian congregations too are often less than they should be, and we often think the grass will be greener somewhere else. But I believe God's will is that we stay even in difficult situations unless our faith is clearly under threat or heresy is being taught.
Others need you there, too Bro!

LPC said...

True Pr. M.

It is a fight of faith. The trick is to be able to do it in gentleness and respect.

It is a bit of a challenge to see if one can dislodge the foothold.