Thursday, February 14, 2008


It is about time a "sorry" is given to the Aboriginal people specially those of the "stolen generation".

You can read it here.

In a nutshell, The Stolen Generation are the people who were taken out of their mother's care in their childhood. The Christian Church had a hand on this too because it was thought that the Aboriginal mothers would not know how to really "mother" these kidsm, so they were taken from them so that they can be "properly cared for". How idiotic was that?
I am glad a sorry has been given, it was long overdue.


Anonymous said...

Amen to that!

LPC said...

BTW, I was so pleased to hear that our synod was one of the first denoms to issue an apology.

It must have struck the minds of our ministers why they were not communing the Aboriginal brothers/sisters when in fact they were confirming them.

That must have caused some puzzlement though they were not able to process that situation well at that time.

Anyway, that is now water under the bridge, what was wrong got corrected.