The Rev. Dr. G. I. Barber gave a sermon at 2:30am one Sunday on the Biblical Doctrine of Hair.
When listening, notice the 3 point sermon structure and his appeal in end. Your hair, how it is combed, or how long you wear it could really get you in trouble with the Lord.
Just be warned, if you get stomach ache while listening to this sermon, it is not my fault, as the Rev. Dr. Barber said, he did not write it, neither did I.
The link isn't working for me, but... "G.I. Barber" on hair? That sounds like a joke.
I was in the midst of editing, but you will have a light mood after listening. Try it again. The links should be fine now.
So, how does this sermon differ from what many hear each Sunday morning? Not much since neither has the gospel of Christ.
This is also a good example of making sin out of something that's not a sin. The next sermon is probably on why women shouldn't wear pants since God wants men to wear pants. What, did Jesus wear pants? Oh, never mind.
I heard the sermon twice and each time I cracked up laughing. I hope you saw the humor and silliness of this.
Next time it will be the theology of slacks (hehehehawhaw)
Funny stuff, Lito. It's important that we each enjoy a sense of humour. I know God has a sense of humour because he created us! <>< <>< <><
Hi Dawn,
I got a semilar saying like that.
I use to say "God has a sense of humour because he created me"!
I'm only 2:30 into this, and can't help think this can't be for real.
The reference to "Upper GI"? LOL!
So long hair's a bad thing?
Too bad about Sampson then...
This is right Tim! Note it is the length and more importantly the direction of the hair too that can get you in trouble with the Lord.
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